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Abstract Topic: Contemporary issues in Digital Transformation

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Break-Even Analysis in Increasing Revenues of Small and Medium Enterprises
Iis Solihat

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Iis Solihat

Universitas Terbuka

This paper aims to analyze the increase in enterprises revenue and the factors of achieving break-even for small and medium enterprises. The sample of this research was 100 product users and small and medium enterprises stakeholders. Break-event analysis sourced from primary data of product users provides information used by enterprises owners to increase revenue. The process of analyzing this paper required variable cost of product cost, operational costs, and product quality as a determinant of increasing enterprise revenue. Break-even plays an important role in increasing enterprise profits, enterprises owners are expected to take action plans to increase revenue to prevent enterprises losses. This paper contributes to small and medium enterprises in the context of enterprises that give rise to local cultural wisdom. This analysis provides empirical evidence that there is an influence on the cost of the product, operational costs, and the quality of enterprises products on the achievement of break-even to increase revenue for small and medium enterprises.

Break-Even, Increased Enterprise Income, Small and Medium Enterprises

Contemporary issues in Digital Transformation


Determinants of Millennial Consumer Purchasing Decisions In Bukalapak
Mumuh Mulyana, Mashadi, Astri Winda Syahputri

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Mumuh Mulyana

Institut Bisnis dan Informatika Kesatuan

Internet usage is growing rapidly. The internet has become an important part in business transactions. Millennial consumers, who have since been born "familiar" with the internet, have made ecommerce their favorite activity. Bukalapak as one of the ecommerce has many consumers from this millennial generation. The purpose of these research are: (1) To analysis the influence of web design to purchase decision. (2) To analysis reputation effect to purchase decision. (3) To analysis influence the ease of transaction to purchase decision. The respondents of research are 200 respondents who have transaction using e-commerce of Bukalapak. The research data processed using SEM AMOS. The results of these research are: (1) Web design has positif and significant effect to purchase decision with point t.stat 2,913 grater that 1,96 or point p 0,0004 less than 0,05. (2) Reputation takes positif and significant effect to purchase decision with point t.stat 1,960 equals from 1,96 or point p 0,050 equals from 0,05. (3) The easy transaction influences unsignificant negatively to the consumen decision with point t.stat -1,459 less then 1,96 or point p 0,145 grater than 0,05. Keywords: web design, reputation, easy transaction and purchase decision.

web design, reputation, easy transaction and purchase decision

Contemporary issues in Digital Transformation


Ridho Harta

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Ridho Harta

Universitas Terbuka

The development of digital technology can be felt clearly by the population of the world in general and especially in Indonesia, one of which is in communication so quickly through cyberspace, people can obtain a variety of desired information, besides the use of digital access through the internet in the business world has also mushroomed, it can make it easier for people to get the items they want without having to go out of the house. In the We are Social report, it was found that the growth of active internet users in Indonesia grew by 21% since March 2015. Also followed by several other things such as the use of social media in Indonesia rose 19%, the growth of Number of Mobile Subscriptions rose 6%, and the growth of users active mobile social by 19%. The technological development that comes with digital systems has triggered the development of new communication lines, information manipulation techniques, and pre-existing communication equipment channels and devices have also been affected. This is one of the driving forces of this communication revolution. Changes to the digital era in general can change the culture and behavior of people, especially those related to the media that are fast, and make it easier for people to get fast information. the era in digital not only offers, sophistication, speed and practicality and pleasure, but can also create a lifestyle of the people. For this reason, in this digital age, we must respond carefully and wisely in order to bring good benefits and positive things to our lives in society.

impact, social, technology and digital

Contemporary issues in Digital Transformation


User-s Attitude Towards Website As a Form of CSR Information
Muhammad a, Dwi Narullia b, Fitri Purnamasari c , Rahmatullah Attaufiqi d, Rizal Ardyatama e, Rheza Wahyu Utomo f

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Dwi Narullia

abc Universitas Negeri Malang

cde Universitas Negeri Malang

CSR becomes an important part of a company, along with the communitys concern for the environment and social surroundings. In addition to economic orientation, CSR represents an entitys efforts to preserve social and environmental sustainability to maintain sustainable development. The disclosure of company information has grown by utilizing website pages, not only through financial statements. The difference in the use of a media naturally invites different user attitude responses. This study aims to determine whether the appearance of a website that contains company-s CSR information can affect the users attitude towards it, because the disclosure of CSR to users is considered as proof of the companys commitment to social and environmental aspects around it. Through the experimental method, researchers collect primary data by handed out some questionnaires that will be filled in accordance with the appearance of the website seen by respondents. The first is about the website with a static displays, texts and images. While the second one is a website with text views, static images, interactive images, and videos. This study conducted data analysis using the Mann-Whitney Test. The results show that the users attitude towards website with more attractive views is higher than the website with a static display. Thus it can be said that the richer a website, the attitude shown by stakeholders associated with the website will be better. In addition, the level of trust and satisfaction with information presented on websites with a more attractive appearance is higher than websites with a static display.

CSR Communication; Website; User-s Attitude

Contemporary issues in Digital Transformation


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